Click here to take the final exam
Unless specifically expressed in writing there is homework due to be completed and posted before the next class – every time. Be sure you find the instructions and complete the work to be ready for class.
The final exam will be here before you know it. There will be 1 shot at it. Start preparing now by learning the right definitions of the essential concepts for academic reading and writing, practicing paraphrasing, recognizing pivot words, signal phrases, voice markers, and the 4 strategies for building coherence.
Use intense study sessions and effective study strategies to study for the final exam. The concepts covered on the exam are listed here.
The final exam will take place in Decary 209 on Wednesday Dec. 11 starting at 9:45 am and ending at 11:45.
Exam Week
I’ll be holding office hours on Monday from 9-11 and Tuesday from 1-3 in my office.
The final exam is on Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 9:45 in our Decary Hall 209 classroom. Please use effective, active study strategies to prepare for the exam. Please arrive early enough to start work on the exam at 9:45. Do not miss the exam. There will be no make-up times offered.
You will need your computer to take the exam. You will also need to know your UNE email login and password to login to the exam. If you are having any problems with that, resolve them by visiting UNE IT services in the Petts Center.
You are allowed one side of an 8.5×11 inch sheet of paper for handwritten notes. Concepts to be covered on the final can be found here.
Our exam slot runs for 2 hours. I’m writing an exam that a well-prepared student should take about an hour to complete. As usual, the exam will require you to compose your answers. There will be no multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank questions.
If you have any questions, please visit me in office hours next week.
Week 15
M. Dec. 2 – W. Dec. 4
End of Semester Prompts
Reading Process
Learning Outcome (15% of final course grade): Students who pass ENG 122 should develop techniques of active reading, critical reading, and informal reading response for inquiry, learning, and thinking.
This activity factors into your final course grade as part of the Writing Process learning outcome and the Portfolio of Formal Writing. Please give it your best work.
The task: Write a post on your ePortfolio in which you do the following:
- Explain the procedures, concepts, skills, resources and tools you would use to read an article of the length and complexity of the Kahneman article in future semesters
- Include photos of
- your annotation habits and
- your best sample of pre-writing you completed this semester.
- Explain how well you think your reading habits served you this semester considering how did on reading tasks that required you to understand and use complex concepts, to summarize and paraphrase the ideas of other writers, and to integrate your ideas with those of others.
- Explain what you need to change about your reading habits and/or learn about reading strategies to enable you to write about, discuss, or be tested on such a reading without assistance next semester.
- Minimum word count: 500 words. Categories: ENG 122, Homework
- Due Wednesday Dec. 4 by 8 am – posted on your ePortfolio.
Writing Process
Learning Outcome (15% of final course grade): Students who pass ENG 122 should demonstrate some ability to approach writing as a recursive process requiring substantial revision of drafts for content (global revision), organization, and clarity and editing and proofreading (local revision).
This activity factors into your final course grade as part of the Writing Process learning outcome and the Portfolio of Formal Writing. Please give it your best work.
The task: Write a post on your ePortfolio in which you do the following:
- Describe your prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing habits this semester.
- How well did these habits work to enable you to submit high-quality college-level work on time this semester?
- What do you need to change about your habits and/or learn about writing procedures, concepts, skills, resources and tools to write a high-quality college-level source-based paper with minimal support from your instructor? Minimum word count: 500 words. Categories: ENG 122, Homework
- Due Friday Dec. 6 by 8 am – posted on your ePortfolio.
Week 14
M. Nov. 25
- Local editing, polishing and proofreading
No Homework! Happy Thanksgiving Break!
There are important activities planned for Monday’s class. Plan to be present on Monday.
Week 13
F. Nov. 22
- Last edits made on papers as of 8:30 this morning:
- W 10:38 am
- Tu 2:44 pm
- Tu 9:59 pm
- F 3:18 am
- M 10:03 am
- W. 9 am
- Tu 9:17 pm
- Th 5:59 pm
- Nov. 15
- Nov. 15
- Nov. 11
- Run-on and fused sentences (comma splices)
Homework: Absolute deadline: Complete final paper due Monday by 8 am. No further work on this paper will be accepted after Monday at 8 am. Post your paper on your ePortfolio.
Your paper is not complete without the following:
1. All five “chunks” as defined on the paper assignment page.
2. Good signal phrases with purposefully chosen signal verbs (marked by color or font face defined in this week’s daily activities).
3. Effective use of pivotal words/transitions (marked by color or font face).
4. One or two instances of voice markers (marked by color or font face).
5. 3 of the following 5 writing moves clearly marked: shine a spotlight, connect the dots, paint a picture, put under a microscope, say why it matters.
6. Use of 2 of the 4 “connecting the parts” strategies: repeated key words, transitions/pivotal words, pointing words, repeating ideas with a difference.
7. The essentials of MLA document formatting: Name block, header and page numbers, a good title, margins, line spacing, parenthetical citation, Works Cited page.
8. At least 1250 words long
9. Your paper has fewer than 2 run-on sentences.
W. Nov. 20
- Complete the Seeing “Connecting the Parts” strategies activity.
- More editing for local concerns:
- Identify sentence-sequences where you make three of the following moves by adding a comment on them and labeling them in the comment:
- Shine a spotlight
- Connect the dots
- Paint a picture
- Put under a microscope
- Say why it matters (So what? Who cares?)
- Identify places where you use “connecting the parts” strategies (TS/IS. Ch. 8) to create coherence within paragraphs and in paragraph-sequences
- Repeat key words and phrases – make them bold face
- Use pointing words like this, these, that, those, their, such, his, he, her, she to connect back to earlier sentences or ahead to later sentences – make them italic face
- Use transition tags (we’ve been calling them pivotal words) – turn them green
- Repeat ideas with a difference – add a comment at each repetition, naming the repetition (ex. A1 – A2 – A3, B1 – B2)
- Identify sentence-sequences where you make three of the following moves by adding a comment on them and labeling them in the comment:
Homework due Friday at 8 am – Local revision: Revise your paper to improve it’s coherence using the “connecting the parts” strategies. Remember to label them. Also, revise to improve the “moves” described above, as well as your signal phrases and signal verbs and use of pivotal words.
M. Nov. 18
- Share your revised paper with Dr. Drown
- Editing for local concerns
- Signal phrases and good signal verbs – turn the text red
- Pivot words/transitions – turn the text green
- Voice markers – indicate your point of view towards an idea that you’re reporting: – turn the text blue
- Ex. “or so it would seem” | “it’s surprising, but true that” | “most sociologists agree that” | “disappointingly, ___” | “while I concede that ___, I maintain that ___” |”Writer X has it wrong when she insists that ___” | “Writer Y offers the useful idea that ___” | “What I love about ___ is ___” | “but it’s more complicated than that” | “In my view, ____”
- Paragraph and chunk coherence (4 strategies)
- Transition tags (pivot words), pointing words, repeating key words and phrases, repetition with a difference.
- Identify sentence-sequences where you make three of the following moves by adding a comment on them and labeling them in the comment:
- Shine a spotlight
- Connect the dots
- Paint a picture
- Put under a microscope
- Say why it matters (So what? Who cares?)
- Spelling
Homework: Complete the work started in class identifying (and adding) signal phrases/verbs, pivotal words, voice markers and moves.
Week 12
F. Nov. 15
- Send me an email: For each of the peer reviewers of your paper, rate feedback you received:
- Who was your peer reviewer?
- Does the peer reviewer follow the describe-diagnose-suggest-engage formula (Completely | Partially | Not Really)
- Is the feedback clear, helpful, and useful for planning revision?
- Describe the content of your reviewer’s comment and evaluate it.
- To what degree does the feedback focus appropriately on global concerns as detailed in the peer review guidelines?
- What could be improved about the feedback you received (you must make at least one suggestion for improving feedback received)?
- Revision planning: reply to comments received indicating whether and/or how you intend to act on them, add some comments of your own indicating other areas you think you could improve in your paper.
Homework due Monday before class: Revise your paper following the revision guidelines.
Use intense study sessions and effective study strategies to study for the final exam. The concepts covered on the exam are listed here.

M. Nov. 11 – W. Nov. 13
- Finalize GDoc version of draft
- Some of the info needed to create MLA Works Cited entry for the Kahneman article. Find formatting requirements here.
- Don’t Blink! The Hazards of Confidence
- Daniel Kahneman
- Oct. 19, 2011
- New York Times Magazine
- Some of the info needed to create MLA Works Cited entry for the Kahneman article. Find formatting requirements here.
- Publish draft on ePortfolio
- Peer Review
Homework: Use the criteria discussed in class to write thoughtful engaged comments that will help your classmates decide how to improve the global aspects of their paper. Follow the Describe-Diagnose-Suggest-Engage formula for commenting. Be sure to label each part of your comment with Describe or Diagnose or Suggest or Engage.
Use intense study sessions and effective study strategies to study for the final exam. The concepts covered on the exam are listed here.
Week 11
F. Nov. 8
- Conclusions – Saying Why it Matters: So, What? Who Cares?
Homework: Write Step 5 of your paper. Step 5 and whole draft due on your ePortfolio on Monday, Oct. 11 by 8 am.
IMPORTANT! – If you hope to earn significant credit on the 15% of the grade that goes to “writing process” in the final course grade, you must have a complete draft (Steps 1-5) of your paper to submit for peer review on Monday, Oct. 11.
W. Nov. 6
Homework: Write Step 4 of your paper
M. Nov. 4
- Review your midterm retake
- Fuzzy concepts needing improvement before finals: voice markers, global/local feedback distinction, framing a quote, good summary, good signal phrase, paraphrasing best practices, closest cliche syndrome
- Fuzzy skills: paraphrasing, good summary, drafting, managing course logistics
- Writing Day
Homework: Write Step 3 of your paper
Week 10
W. Oct. 30 – F. Nov. 1
- Paper prompt analysis and brainstorm
- Peer review of Step 1
- Review sample text for Step 2
Write a paper: Includes Step 1 and Step 2
M. Oct. 28
No new homework. If you haven’t posted homework due last night or last Thursday, please take this opportunity to get caught up and post your work on your ePortfolio. Remember these homework assignments function as prewriting for your paper. Please give them your best effort.
Week 9
F. Oct. 25
- Cognitive Fallacies and their impact on judgments
- Noticing how Kahneman says “why it matters”
Click here for the homework due Sunday, Oct. 27 at 11:59 pm.
Remember this homework assignment functions as prewriting for your paper. Please give it your best effort.
W. Oct. 23
- Take the Midterm Exam Metacognitive Survey
- Don’t Blink quiz and discussion.
Click here for the homework due Thursday Oct. 24 at 11:59 pm.
This homework assignment is the first bit of prewriting you’ll do towards your next paper. Give it your best effort.
M. Oct. 21
- Take the midterm exam. Write your name on your note sheet and turn it in before leaving class.
Click here for the homework due Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 11:59 pm
Week 8
Print Daniel Kahneman, “Don’t Blink! The Hazards of Confidence” for use in Writing Lab and later in ENG 122
W. Oct. 16
- Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Write Exam Questions
- Sample Quiz with questions to model yours on
- Sample Quiz
- Sample Quiz
- Sample Quiz
Write 3-5 more exam questions that don’t duplicate questions already in the Midterm Exam workspace.
Highly recommended: Start studying for the exam by completing some of these activities: 1) look on the course schedule, homework assignments, and in course textbooks for information on the concepts that you don’t understand, 2) write practice answers to questions in the Midterm Exam workspace, 3) practice seeing writing techniques (like signal phrases, voice markers, pivotal words, shining the spotlight, pulling back the curtains, and connecting the dots) in readings assigned for other classes, 4) review best practices for annotation and practice them on readings assigned for other classes.
M. Oct. 14
- Motivation – Active Learning Session led by students
Complete “Self and Peer Evaluation of Group Project” form to be turned in Wednesday in class.
On a piece of paper, make a list of at least 10 key concepts for reading and writing that you have encountered this fall in ENG 122.
Continue to try metacognitive learning strategies/Complete assessment activities as assigned.
Write Quality Control Report (QC groups BBMC and GMMS).
Week 7
Homework to Prepare for M. Oct. 14
Homework due for class:
Read chapters 6, 7, and 12. Annotate passages and answer post-reading questions. Post at least 3 photos of your annotations on your ePortfolio (45 min)
Post-Reading Questions:
- Categorizing classmates as slower or smarter almost always ensures what?
- What are some strategies we can use to change our mindset?
- What are the 3 levels that influence student motivation? Be able to describe each of them?
- What are 3 student-related obstacles to motivation?
- Do instructors attitudes change the motivation of their students? Be specific.
Assessment instruction for MMGS “learning group” (metacognitive learning strategies)
Choose one metacognitive learning strategy and use it for 2 weeks. Keep a journal/log of use of strategy then write 2 paragraphs about your experiences. Post log and paragraphs on your ePortfolio on Oct. 23
Homework to Prepare for W. Oct. 9
Homework to Prepare
- Read and annotate chapters 3 and 5 (30 min). Post at least 3 sample photos of your annotations on your ePortfolio.
- Take 5 question quiz (10 – 15 min)
- Write about previous experience with metacognition (20 Min). Post this writing on your ePortfolio.
Homework to Prepare for M. Oct. 10
- Read Chapters 4 and 9 of Teach Yourself How to Learn and take notes and annotate (post photos with at least two pages of notes on Eportfolio under ENG 122 Annotations) (30 minutes)
- Watch one of the following videos on Bloom’s taxonomy
- Writing Assignment: What is the importance of Bloom’s Taxonomy? Why is it important to students in college? How does it apply to other classes? How is Bloom’s Taxonomy related to the Study Cycle? What is the importance of the study cycle? Be able to define all 6 sections in the Taxonomy Pyramid. (write for 20 minutes)
- Type your writing in Eportfolio and put in the section ENG122 and Homework
Minimum expectations for teaching groups:
- Preparatory homework will be assigned, including both reading and writing assignments, which combined will take your classmates about 80 minutes to complete.
- In class learning activities will be designed primarily to deepen students learning, not just present information. Each teaching group will create learning materials for students to use in learning activities.
- Learners will be assessed on their learning using assessments that ask students to operate higher on Bloom’s taxonomy than remembering and understanding, include writing and reflection, and are due 7 days after the teaching presentation.

Week 6
M. – F. Sept. 30 – Oct. 4
- Use Process Genres and Activities to Learn Your Group’s Secondary Chunks of Teach Yourself How to Learn
- No divvying up the reading. Everyone reads everything their group is responsible for.
- Assess Your Group’s Understanding
- Develop an Assessment to Measure the Learning of the People to Whom You Will Teach Your Group’s Primary Chunks
- Finalize Teaching Plans and Materials
Secondary Responsibility (Quality Control)
Quality Control Report Template
Team BMCB: Jesse Barber, Kyle Messenger, Nick Cavossa, Danny Bloomer
Responsible for Ch. 6 “Why Your Mindset about Intelligence Matters” | Ch. 7. “How Your Emotions Affect Your Motivation and Learning” | Ch. 8 “What You Can Do To Boost Your Motivation, Positive Emotions, and Learning”
Team FDSS: Autumn Flagg, Ashley Delisle, Terry Sun, Tommy Slavin
Responsible for Ch. 3 “Metacognition” | Ch. 5 “Metacognitive Learning Strategies at Work”
Team GMMS: Carter Gambone, Jack Mahoney, Markel McKnight, Ben Sleeper
Responsible for Ch. 4 “The Power of Bloom’s Taxonomy and the Study Cycle” | Ch. 9 “Time Management, Test Taking and Stress Reduction”
Homework assigned by your group and the teaching group.
Week 5

Studied Fewer than 6 Hours Per Week in HS.
W. – F. Sept. 25 – 27
- Assess Your Group’s Understanding of the Primary Materials Assigned and Clear Up Mistakes, Fill in Gaps
- Develop Lesson Plan (Concepts & Processes, Activities & Supportive Materials) to Teach Your Group’s Primary Chunks
Homework assigned by your group.
M. Sept. 23
- Post-test on Chew’s “Beliefs That Make You Fail…. Or Succeed”
- Group building, defining tasks, planning.
- Process Genres – lists, plans, graphics, Q&A
Click here for the homework due Tuesday Sept. 24 at 11:59 pm.
Week 4

F. Sept. 20
- “Get a Coach” quiz
- Let’s write: Based on your experiences, how effective are your learning strategies? In school? In other arenas (like sports, music, art… or other pursuits you chose to learn for yourself)?
- Students’ Misperceptions About Learning (first 4 paragraphs)
- Intro to Teach Yourself and Others How to Learn project
Click here for the homework due Sunday Sept. 22 at 11:59 pm.
W. Sept. 18
- Writing Lab is required; you must attend.
- Smart Tools for Proofreading
- Stigmatizing Errors
- Local revision: Read aloud proofreading in pairs
Click here for the homework due Thursday Sept. 19 at 11:59 pm.
M. Sept. 16
- Rate feedback received/given: follows describe-diagnose-suggest-engage formula, clear, helpful, useful for planning revision?
- Revision planning: reply to comments received, add some of your own.
Click here for the homework due Tuesday Sept. 17 at 11:59 pm.
Week 3

F. Sept. 13
- Peer review
- Review groups:
- Jesse Barber – Autumn Flagg – Kyle Messenger – Eric Drown
- Danny Bloomer – Carter Gambone – Tommy Slavin – Eric Drown
- Nick Cavossa – Jack Mahoney – Ben Sleeper – Eric Drown
- Ashley Delisle – Markel McKnight – Terry Sun – Eric Drown
Homework due Sunday Sept. 15 at 11:59 pm.
Use the commenting tool on Google Docs and the peer review guidelines as refined in class to provide written comments on the papers of the classmates shared with you.
W. Sept. 11
- Click this link to view the results of your “Art of Quoting” quiz
- DQP Quiz
- QAR and quiz questions
- Using feedback
- Paper planning
- Understanding prompts
- Gathering materials
- Using prewriting
Click here for the homework due Thursday Sept. 12 at 11:59 pm.
M. Sept. 9
- Intro to UNE Portfolio
- Menu set up
- Categories
- DQP discussion
Click here for the homework due Tuesday Sept. 10 at 11:59 pm.
Week 2
F. Sept. 6
- Take the “7 Major Misperceptions About the Liberal Arts” post-test without notes.
- Textbook/annotations check
- Reviewing Paper Feedback – Send me an email.
- UNE Learning Outcomes – CAS/CHP/Majors
- ENG 122 Learning Outcomes
- Art of Quoting Pre-Test
Click here for the homework due Sunday Sept. 8 at 11:59 pm.
PRO TIP: There are 3 tasks this weekend. Space out your work.

W. Sept. 4
- Click here for your “Art of Summary” quiz results.
- Let’s Write (5 minutes) – I Say:
- What is college for?
- What specifically do you expect to learn over the next 4-6 years?
- How specifically will what you learn serve you in the future?
- They Say:
- What is college for? (paraphrase)
- Pivotal Words and Voice Markers – important keys to understanding written arguments that consider more than one viewpoint and integrating your ideas with other writers’ ideas.
Click here for the homework due Thursday Sept. 5 before 11:59 pm.
Start this homework on Wednesday. Finish it on Thursday.
Week 1
F. Aug. 30
- “Why are There No Excused Absences in ENG 122?“
- “The Power of Believing You Can Improve”
- If I had just told your to read and listen to this talk, what would you have done?
- How did you study?
- How did you annotate?
- Pre-reading quiz (They Say/I Say, “The Art of Summarizing”)
Click here for homework due Saturday at 2 pm and Tuesday at 11:59 pm.
Heads up – there’s a quiz due Saturday night and a paper due on Tuesday night.
W. Aug. 28
- Welcome to College Reading & Writing I
- Sign up for a start of the semester office hour visit
- Syllabus Quiz – introduce yourself and share contact info with your group – Wednesday Office Hours changed to 2-3 pm
- Writing Lab – Megan Grumbling
- Send me an email
- Semester-At-A-Glance Calendar
Click here for the homework due Thursday August 29 before 11:59 pm.